Legh Vale Primary School

Legh Vale Primary School

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Being The Best I Can Be!

Legh Road, Haydock, St Helens, Merseyside WA11 0ER



01744 678330

December 2017 Blog

December 2017 Blog

Welcome to our school blog, here you will find a snapshot of events taking place at Legh Vale on a weekly basis from Nursery to Y6.

Week Commencing: 18th December 2017


Year 4 enjoyed their Christmas party!

The Nursery children really enjoyed their Christmas Party!

Y2SC had a super time at the Christingle Service held at St Mark's Church on Monday.

Y2SC had a fabulous time meeting Father Christmas on their Christmas Party day.

Y1/2 SM had a great time at their Christmas party!

Y1JL had so much fun at their Christmas party and also loved the chance to see Father Christmas!

RBT had a fantastic time meeting Father Christmas!

Y1RB really enjoyed the Christingle Service at St Mark's Church.

Week Commencing: 11th December 2017

Legh Vale entered two more teams into the indoor athletics championships this week. Congratulations to our 'blue' team who finished 4th and well done to our 'red' team who ended the tournament as winners!

On Tuesday evening, the choir performed with Haydock Male Voice Choir at St.Mark's Church, it was a fantastic evening for young and old alike.

Nursery AM were fantastic during their Christmas Nativity!

RBT had lots of fun decorating yummy snowflake biscuits.

Y1RB had lots of fun at the pantomime.

RCG have been busy making rice crispy cakes ready for Santa's Christmas treat! 

Nursery PM were fantastic during their Christmas Nativity!

KS1 really enjoyed the trip to the Theatre Royal to watch Snow White and Seven Dwarfs.

Y1/2 Enjoyed making their own party hats.

Y2 Had a show stopping performance!

Week Commencing: 4th December 2017

Y3 have been busy little elves this week making their Christmas cards.

Christmas has arrived in Y4D and our little friends have brought us gifts for our reading area. Can you guess what they are?  

RBT had lots of fun making 'Mistletoes'!

After writing letters to Father Christmas the children walked to the post box to post them. 

Christmas is slowly creeping into Year 6...

Y5 have been writing diary entries in character. They had to put events from the film in order first before they could begin writing.

RCM were very excited when a mischievous elf arrived from the North Pole. He brought daily Christmas activities which included making some delicious cakes!

Year 6 children have loved learning about Christmas in Victorian times and the games people played on Christmas day (no televisions!). 

Year 2 have been busy making Tudor houses, let's hope they don't burn down like they did in 1666.

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