Legh Vale Primary School

Legh Vale Primary School

Welcome to our website!

Being The Best I Can Be!

Legh Road, Haydock, St Helens, Merseyside WA11 0ER



01744 678330

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5




Mrs B Kendall

Year 5 Teacher


 Mrs J Bayliss

Year 5 Teacher

Mr J Brady

Year 5 Teacher 

Mrs M Darbyshire

Learning Assistant




Miss B Jones

Learning Assistant 



Miss K Hughes

Learning Assistant





Below is a useful guide to show what your child needs each day.


Reading record needs to be brought to school.

If swimming your child needs to bring a full swimming kit, no earrings.


 Reading record needs to be brought to school.



Reading record needs to be brought to school.

PE day- full kit, no earrings.


Reading record check- at least 3 home reads.

TT Rockstars sessions to be completed   x15



Spelling homework due in.

Spelling test - New spellings to be given out.


Additionally, children are expected to access TT Rockstars and complete a minimum of five sessions per week. There are also extra resources  Purple Mash, if you feel your child would benefit from these.  

Please ensure your child reads a minimum of three times a week (50 pages or more in total) and their reading records are signed each time.

Please ensure that all school uniform and P.E kits are clearly labelled.


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