Legh Vale Primary School

Legh Vale Primary School

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Being The Best I Can Be!

Legh Road, Haydock, St Helens, Merseyside WA11 0ER



01744 678330

march 2018 Blog

February 2018 Blog

Welcome to our school blog, here you will find a snapshot of events taking place at Legh Vale on a weekly basis from Nursery to Y6.

Week Commencing: 26th February 2018

Nursery children enjoyed a visit by the Fire Service as part of our topic 'People Who Help Us'.

Year 4 had a wonderful time at Fiddlers Ferry, we found out how electricity is made and how it travels to our homes for us to use. We loved building our own pylon circuits. Everyone had a fantastic day and the children's behaviour was impeccable.

Y2 designed and created their own space rockets as part of our Space theme.

1JL had a lovely time sharing stories with Year 3 children on World Book Day.

Y5 had a lovely morning sharing a story with Reception.

Y1RB have had lots of fun dressing up for world book day.

In PHSE, Y5M have been discussing "what makes a good team". We used the parachute to practise this and had a lot of fun !


RBT had lots of fun pretending to be the 'king of the jungle' this week in their Gymnastics lesson.

Week Commencing: 19th February 2018

In Art, Year 6 are studying 'People in Action.' This week, we have been practising sketching figures using circles and ovals. We will be developing our skills over the next few weeks. Watch this space!

All the children in Nursery climbed onto the fire engine and squirted the water.

Y4F enjoyed ordering and comparing fractions with the help of some tasty treats. It was dough-tastic!

RBT enjoyed the story listening to 'The Disgusting Sandwich' this week. They particularly enjoyed making their own disgusting sandwiches after!

RCM have been working hard to learn our number bonds to 10. We used lolly sticks to work out the different calculations.

Year 4 have created their own robots at home. Thank you for all of your help, they're fantastic! 

Our security cameras caught sight of something very peculiar on the KS2 playground. When Year 4 went outside to investigate, we found a dragon egg! This inspired us to write a newspaper report and recount of our discovery.

The children in Key Stage 2 have had a wonderful time at the Valentine's Disco. Thank you to the FOLV for a fantastic event. 

In Science, Year 5 have been investigating what happens when you mix vinegar with bicarbonate soda. 

Year 3 have been investigating 3D shapes and even built some using spaghetti and marshmallows.

Y1RB have enjoyed sequencing and retelling the story 'Whatever Next'. They had lots of fun hot seating the characters of Baby Bear and Mrs Bear.

This week, in Maths, Y1JL have enjoyed comparing lengths and heights. They even measured themselves to see which items in the classroom were taller or shorter!

Year 2 enjoyed making their own disgusting sandwiches before writing instructions for others to follow.

Week Commencing: 5th February 2018

Reception enjoyed learning all about Chinese New Year. We finished our week with a traditional Chinese Dragon Parade!

Y3 have really enjoyed their gymnastics lessons in PE.

Well done to our wonderful Year 4 dance club for performing their dance after school. You've all worked so hard the last five weeks!

Year 6 are enjoying improving their reading fluency skills through paired reading sessions.

RBT have been using scales to measure the weight of various items.

As part of our PHSE lessons, Y5 planned an activity to teach to our peers. We carried out the activity and looked at what makes a good learner.

Year 5 have had a fantastic morning acting out 'The Highwayman'.

Y1/2 have been making dragons for Chinese New Year.

Nursery have been playing with numbers and shapes and building their own ramps. 

Year 2 have used a range of materials to build rafts to test if they float or sink.

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