February 2019 Blog
Welcome to our school blog, here you will find a snapshot of events taking place at Legh Vale on a weekly basis from Nursery to Y6.
Week Commencing: 25th February 2019
RCM enjoyed designing their own rocket pictures as part of our topic on 'Space'.
On Wednesday a team of Year 2 children competed in the KS1 multi-skills tournament at Landsbury Bridge school. They had a fantastic time and came first in the target game and the bunny hops. Reuben won star performer after gaining the highest score of the tournament in the target game. Well done everyone!
Y1JL had lots of fun when being introduced to measures. They loved measuring how tall they were using strips of paper and then comparing heights with their classmates!
RJS have enjoyed learning about number bonds this week!
RNC have taken advantage of the lovely weather this week, taking our Maths outside.
Nursery children cut out shapes and glued them onto their gingerbread man.
Y5M have had fun separating materials using sieves, magnets and filters.
Y2PM have designed and made their own swords and shields and are ready for battle!
Year 4 investigated whether we could make a simple circuit using only a battery, some foil and a bulb. Our results showed it was indeed possible and that foil was a good conductor of electricity.
Congratulations to both teams who competed for Legh Vale at Haydock High School's Partnership Primary Quiz Competition. We claimed first and second prize to win the shield!
In Maths, Y3K have been focusing on measures. They have really enjoyed measuring things in and around the school.
Y1RB have had lots of fun this morning describing some mysterious dragon eggs!
Y4F enjoyed making circuits during our Science lessons this week.
Week Commencing: 11th February 2019
RJS have enjoyed baking their own delicious gingerbread men!
RCM have enjoyed lots of activities linked to the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. They finished the week by making one of their own delicious Gingerbread Man.
Y5 and Y1 had a lovely morning when they came together to share a story.
Y5 and Y6 boys had an enjoyable afternoon playing competitive football at the St. Helens Primary football tournament.
Well done boys !
This half term, KS2 have been participating in a virtual physical challenge against other primary schools in the borough.
How many minutes can you hold the plank position ?
Y3K have been learning all about Iron Age roundhouses. They estimated the size and how many people could have lived in a roundhouse. They were much smaller than we predicted!
Year 4 had a fantastic time at the Totally Wicked Stadium this week for our Sky Try Experience.
More people visited us in Nursery to tell us about their jobs.
As part of their reading challenge work, all of Year 5 have had a fun session at Haydock library, learning about Haiku poetry.
Y2PM investigated which material made the best waterproof cover.
After learning about Traction Man's adventures, Y1JL experienced a 'messy bowl' to help with their description work. They all wrote some great sentences.
RNC have been doing lots of activities this week surrounding 'The Gingerbread Man', they even made their own delicious gingerbread men!
Y1RB have really enjoyed our English story, 'Traction man' this week. The children have created their own comic strip of Traction man's adventures in Legh Vale Primary school.
Week Commencing: 4th February 2019
RCM have enjoyed learning about the festival 'Chinese New Year'. As part of this they made their own lanterns and joined in with a 'Dragon Parade' in the hall.
As part of our Great Fire of London topic, Y1RB have really enjoyed making bread and writing a set of instructions.
In preparation for their ICT work on binary trees, Y2PM played avatar 'Guess Who?'
RNC have painted some beautiful Chinese symbols to celebrate Chinese New Year, which we are turning into paper lanterns.
1JL have worked hard on sentences this week. They pieced together sentences from the story The Little Red Hen.
The children from KS1 & KS2 completed an online Safer Internet Day quiz.
Year 4 have really enjoyed having rugby training from one of our Saints coaches. Thank you!
Y5M have been preparing a play to read aloud and perform.This was to show their understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action.
We have had a very interesting week in Nursery as lots visitors told us about their jobs. To see more pictures go to the Gallery.
Y5H had a fantastic afternoon sharing new skills and hobbies with each other. Some children learnt to play the keyboard, some learnt all about snails and others created erupting volcanoes. What a fabulous lesson!
The big, bad wolf came to visit RJS this week to read us 'The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs!'. The children then had the chance to role play their own versions of the story.
Y3F have enjoyed using role play to help with their writing.
Y3K have started to learn about life during the Iron Age. Here they are making and tasting nettle tea. Yummy!