September 2019 Blog
Welcome to our school blog, here you will find a snapshot of events taking place at Legh Vale on a weekly basis from Nursery to Y6.
Week Commencing: 23rd September 2019
Y2RB have really enjoyed recreating a piece of art work from the artist, 'Andy Warhol'.
Reception have enjoyed 'Going on a Bear Hunt' this week. They have engaged in role play, craft, writing and other activities linked to the story.
Y2RB have really enjoyed Art this week. The children have been designing their very own Mohawk!
Y3K have been looking at Autumnal colours and have enjoyed creating their own Autumn paintings.
Year 5 have been learning about the washing ritual of Wudu and how Muslims pray.
Year 4D enjoyed taking the temperature in different places around our school.
To help explore the character of Charlie Bucket, Y4F enjoyed taking part in some hot seating activities.
In English, Y2 have been reading the book, 'Supertato!'
The Evil Peas have been up to all kinds of mischief at Legh Vale this week and Y2 have been documenting all of the events in their diaries.
Y6M loved learning all about our local history by creating a timeline of events.
Nursery children were introduced to the Legh Vale Lending Library. They chose a book to take home to be returned when they have finished reading it.
The Golbourne ex-miners visited Year 6 to explain what life was like as a miner.
In Science, Year 3 have been testing the properties of Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks.
Y2PM took a step back in time to look at a timeline of telephones. The first mobile phone came as a big surprise.
Y1JL have worked really hard this week to show numbers in different ways. They learnt how to use digits, pictures and number tracks.
Week Commencing: 16th September 2019
Reception have benn enjoying the sunshine this week by using our outdoor area. They enjoyed water play and practising their writing skills.
Y5M are enjoying their swimming lessons at Parr baths.
Nursery children enjoyed the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We role played the story and entered the wooded area.
Y2 have been learning all about the impact exercise has on the human body. This week the children have carried out an experiment and put their bodies to the test!
Y3 really enjoyed their taster session with David Campbell Soccer this week !
Thank you for the Aldi stickers in our first week of collecting them. We have over 70 stickers and need 300 to win our free sports kit! Below are some of the Year 4 children with their certificates. How many will we have next week?
Year 6 have worked extremely hard when drawing their self portraits.
Y1-2SC have enjoyed creating models in our Friday afternoon Lego Club.
Y2PM have been working in pairs to perform balances during a PE lesson.
The children were so excited to find the teddy bear hiding on a branch in the tree.
Y5S have loved playing hockey in their PE sessions this week!
Nursery children are learning to share and take turns.
Y1JL have been working hard to show numbers in different ways.
Y4F enjoyed using the Base 10 models to make 4-digit numbers.
Week Commencing: 9th September 2019
Y1JL had so much fun learning the story of Supertato. So much so that they even made their own Supertatos!
Y2RB have had a fantastic first week back at school!
Year 6 enjoyed using Google Earth the find human features in their local area.
Y3K have enjoyed working together to create our Class Charter.
Y5S have enjoyed acting out and freeze-framing the Legh Vale values.
Nursery children settled in and enjoyed lots of sensory experiences.